Egg Donor is ready
After the last post where we mentioned that the egg donor was cleared, she MIA-ed for a few weeks due to exams that she had to take. After that, she indicated to CReATe Fertility Centre that she was ready to go through the egg donation medication. Hilary, our nurse coordinator at the clinic wanted to try to tie in a time when we would be in Canada for embryo creation but we could only give her a rough time. Hilary felt that we should be good to be there at the end of June for the egg retrieval and embryo creation. Our egg donor is an anonymous donor, so we won’t be seeing her at all.
Now just have to wait for Hilary to get back to us regarding the plans. She needs to coordinate with the egg donor:
“I wanted to let you know that your donor has requested an egg retrieval closer to the end of June as she has come things coming up that she does not want to miss or be on hormones for. She will be emailing me on Day 1 of her upcoming period and I may or may not put her on the pill so I can better manipulate her cycle to line up at the end of June. Otherwise, we will try to work off of her June period….”
Let’s wait and see. Still exciting… 🙂