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Our egg donor is cleared!


Cleared for egg retrieval!

One step closer! Finally heard back from Hilary, our nurse coordinator from CReATe Fertility Clinic regarding the egg donor screening that happened end-March 2017. She has been cleared! Hilary wrote: “Your donor is medically cleared! Officially. All of her bloods are back and all is good with them.” That is great news!

We felt that the fact that she went for the screening is an indication that she wants to go forth with it. Now she needs to be in the plans for medication and egg retrieval while our lawyer will send the donor agreement to her lawyers.

We asked Hilary about fresh transfer of the embryo into the surrogate, but she said it is not possible as the program that we have chosen included PGS testing, which will need time to perform.

“Regarding doing a fresh transfer. You will be doing PGS testing on your embryos, which means the embryos are biopsied and then frozen while the testing is completed. Results take about 12 days to come back. Once we know how many embryos we have to work with and which one’s are deemed “normal” then we would plan the transfer. As long as your surrogate is medically cleared and we have legal. Therefore, we wouldn’t be doing a fresh transfer. It will be a frozen embryo transfer. In terms of success rates, their is no difference between a fresh and frozen transfer.”

It was then when we were told that our surrogate was not medically cleared yet. She just needs to send through some reports for complete the screening. But that is not much of a hurry as we need to retrieve eggs first. Hilary will let us know when our surrogate is cleared for transfer.

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