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March 2017

Aka Tombo | Prahran, Melbourne, Australia

Aka Tombo featured image

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We read good reviews about this place. It was nestled in a small street off busy Chapel Street in Prahran, Melbourne. We thought let’s give it a go. It was around 7+pm, and we managed to make a booking about 20 minutes before. So, lucky us! We believe we got the last table for reservation as it was a small place and when we walked in, there were a few tables that were empty, but all had the ‘Reserved’ sign on them.

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Embryo Glue, Intralipid Therapy and Endometrial Scratch. WHAT?!


Last week we found out about Embryo Glue, Intralipid Therapy and Endometrial Scratch. We are members of a closed Facebook group formed by our surrogacy agency – Canadian Fertility Consulting, and read a post from a fellow Australian woman who is engaging in surrogacy to have a child. A few of her embryo transfers have failed and she is now left with a couple of healthy embryos which she is worried that she may lose them to failed transfers as well. It is very stressful. She highlighted that now the IVF clinic, CReATe Fertility Clinic (which happens to be the same as the one we chose to work with) is suggesting to her that she should consider embryo glue and intralipid therapy to increase the chances of getting the embryos to ‘stick’ to the uterus. After a few comments on her post from various people, we found out that there is another treatment called endometrial scratch. What are these things?!

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The scar that will never go away

Scar image

I am certain that I have been permanently scarred (emotionally) by the episode with my parents when I came out to them. It was hard and difficult to understand the rejection that I felt and it still affects me till this day. Last night, I dreamt that my parents wanted Cam and I dead (which I know will never happen in real life) because dream-parents felt I was no use to the world and they would rather get rid of the problem (us) than to live with it. I was terribly upset in my dream as I got Cam involved and I was so very lost. We did flee at one point to prevent ourselves from getting harmed. When I woke, I felt drained but happy that it was just a dream and that Cam was still there beside me.

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