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September 27, 2016

Research: The start of it all

Research feature image

We wanted to wait for gay marriage to be legalised in Australia. We refuse to have it overseas as it looks very ‘show-offy’ to go have a wedding just for a party and then return to nothingness. Why even bother? We want to settle in Australia and so we should marry anywhere (including Australia) when the Australian law decides we can.

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Visiting the family farm | Paraparap Vic, Australia

Farm featured image

Over the weekend, we went over to the family farm. Well, it is Cameron’s parent’s hobby farm. I am a city boy, or what some people would call a ‘townie’. Yep. They don’t say ‘townie’ in a very affectionate way. Anyway, it is always nice visiting the farm. Animals do make you calmer. The horses and the cows and the dogs… all pretty welcoming! The first time I have gotten close to a Shetland pony too! His name is ‘Laddie’.

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