New egg donor, we have!
Since losing our egg donor and having to let our surrogate go, we knew we didn’t have the time to look into the egg donor agency’s database and also making the video and presentation for potential surrogates. While we were away in Singapore for work, we managed to secure a place to move into. We wanted to move closer to Melbourne and we have been looking for places to rent, for many months. There were also other factors that came into play that didn’t allow us to do much, and leaving us tired and drained every day. Imagine having to pack the old place and moving and setting up in the new place, plus having work pressures – the weekends were supposed to be a bit better, but it just didn’t seem to be relaxing at all. It was only around mid to end-October when we knew we had to something about it.
We decided we should look for our egg donor first before seeking a surrogate. It was an advise from our surrogacy agency as well, that it is better to look for an egg donor and create embryos first, as quality of thawed embryos will have the same quality as fresh embryos. So our priorities were set and off we went trolling through the egg donor database. A couple of days ago, which was about 2 weeks since we started to talk about getting back on board, we managed to find an egg donor that we liked. After so many of them being recommended to us by the agency, we decided that we had to be the ones looking. It was faster and we could immediately identify the ones that we could work with, and quickly shortlist. No wasting time looking at the ones we weren’t interested in.
On 2 November, our egg donor was secured for us. We noticed that she didn’t mind being a known donor, so in our rematch application form, we indicated that we would like having her known. We would like to know who this wonderful egg donor is, who is helping us achieve our dreams! So, egg donor is secured. Now the legals for her and the medical screenings will start. We also have to put a lump sum of money into the trust fund to cover the expenses of the egg donor. Really hope this new one will not be like the first donor, who kept delaying the process.
Now we have an egg donor! We have taken the first step again. We are excited!